The Springwell whole house water filtration system is durable, has a much lower cost of ownership in the long run, and can last for up to 10 years. Culligan, however, can function without electricity and has NSF and WQA certifications. This article reviews these water filtration systems Springwell vs Culligan in various areas of comparisons such as product information, features and specifications, price, performance, installation, maintenance, and their pros and cons.

Springwell vs Culligan Quick Comparison

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Product Information

Springwell Water Filters

The Springwell filtration system was produced using certified American parts. The product comes with free shipping, and it has a complete installation kit.

It also elongates the life cycle of home appliances and pipes because it flushes out the buildup of corrosion caused by the water supply before its installation.

Springwell whole house water filter systems come in three models that cater to varying home sizes or capacities. They’re also priced differently.

There are the CF1, CF4, and the CF+. CF1 has the smallest capacity, and it caters to homes with not more than three bathrooms. CF4 is the middle model, and it can optimally service a house with 4-6 bathrooms. Finally, CF+ has the biggest capacity, and it can service a home with at least seven bathrooms.

Culligan Water Filters

On the other hand, the Culligan filtration system is a water filtration system that has NSF and WQA certification. It is highly potent in treating and filtering out contaminants from your drinking water.

The water filter is durable and compact. It also prolongs the lifespan of home appliances and your pipes as it prevents corrosion. In addition, this water filter has a control valve that regulates water pressure throughout your home.

It can work without electricity. The water filter has a monitor that lets you watch its daily water usage and carry out periodic checks. The meter also notifies you when the filter is not functioning. This water filter is equipped with smart technology and a remote so you can control it from anywhere in the house.

It has a 30-day money-back guarantee period. It comes in three models or variants: 8″ Select, 10″ Select and Select Plus.

Features and Specifications Springwell vs Culligan

Springwell Whole House Water Filter

The Springwell whole house water filter has a capacity of 1 million gallons of water. It can optimally serve your home for up to a decade.

This product also comes with a 6-month money-back guarantee period and a lifetime warranty on the tanks and valves. The minimum operational flow rate is 9 GPM. Its filtration design is the first of its kind.

Culligan Whole House Water Filter

On the other hand, Culligan’s Aquasential “SelectSeries” filtration systems have a tank size of 8 x 44 inches for the 8″ Select and the 10 x 54 inches for 10″ Select and Select Plus.

These whole house filtration systems have a control valve of 3/4 inch for both 8″ select and 10″ Select and 1 inch for Select Plus. In addition, the whole house water filter has an electronic platform called Acusoft. This water treatment system operates at a temperature that ranges between 33-120 Fahrenheit.

The minimum water pressure for this whole house water filter is 20 PSI, while the maximum is 120 PSI.


For the Springwell whole house filtration system, the CF1 unit costs $809.79. The CF4 unit $1020.26 and the CF+ unit costs $1567.93.

On the other hand, the price of Culligan house water filter systems isn’t stated on the website. However, speculations put its value around $400 to $2500, depending on the situation.


Springwell Water Filter Performance

The Springwell whole house water filters have a unique 4-stage filtration design to enhance water quality massively.

This water filter system removes contaminants such as MTBE & TTHM, VOCs, Haloacetic acids, pharmaceuticals (pesticides and herbicides), chlorine, and many others.

This house filter system works by making water flow through the KDF (Kinetic Degradation Fluxion) media and flushes out virtually all the chlorine and other contaminants usually found in city water. The next stage is the coconut shell carbon which eliminates contaminants such as chloramines, herbicides, pesticides, VOCs, and others.

Stage 3 filtration is the unique media of the water system. It stops water from channeling and enhances the contact time between the feed water and the media beds. Stage 4 is the 5-micron sediment filter which gets rid of solids or visible contaminants such as dust, rust, clay, silt, rocks, etc.

Culligan Water Filter Performance

Culligan’s water treatment systems are capable of removing numerous contaminants. Notable among them are arsenic, bacteria, viruses, chlorine, herbicides, and so on.

The feed water goes through the pre-filter, where visible impurities and contaminants are flushed out of the water. Next, the feed water is processed to remove Chlorine and Chlorine-related contaminants. Chlorine gives water an unpleasant taste and smell.

Then the feed water goes through the activated carbon filter, which removes any remaining contaminant in the water that missed the first two stages.

Installation and Maintenance

The Springwell system is fairly easy to install for someone with a rudimentary knowledge of plumbing. It has a complete kit containing everything you need to install the water system.

It requires a very low level of maintenance which involves replacing the sediment filter every 6-9 months.

The company’s technical team can install the Culligan system. They’re in the best position to install, configure and program the filter system. In addition, they will inspect the system after installation to ensure that everything is in place.

It requires frequent maintenance as the sediment filter has a very short lifespan. However, washing the filter frequently can make it last longer.

Pros and Cons of Springwell

  • Offers free shipping, lifetime warranty, and a 6-month money-back guarantee period.
  • Its premium filtration design lets it prolong the contact time between the feed water and the media and remove up to 99.6% of the contaminants.
  • It doesn’t reduce the pressure of water in your home.
  • Springwell offers various units for different home capacities.
  • Filtered water can be used for various household purposes such as drinking, bathing, laundry, dishwashing, and cooking.
  • The filters are very durable and require low maintenance.
  • You can order the product on their website.
  • Not affordable for everyone
  • It might require the services of a plumber to install.

Pros and Cons of Culligan

  • It has a 3-stage water filtration design that enables it to treat and filter water properly.
  • It flushes out a huge variety of contaminants.
  • Has NSF and WQA certification.
  • Offers customers a 30-day money-back guarantee period.
  • The prices of the whole house water filters are not displayed on the website.
  • You cannot order products from the site.
  • It requires intensive maintenance because the sediment filters have a very short life cycle. Therefore, you will need to replace it frequently.
  • It has to be installed by the company.


Although Culligan is more pocket-friendly than Springwell, Springwell is our recommended choice. It has a low cost of ownership in the long run because it requires little maintenance.

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